Match Point is excited to announce the results of its second consecutive Digital Health Investment Survey that was conducted during the 8th Annual Digital Healthcare Innovation Summit in Boston in October. The Summit was attended by 320+ leading investors from both the East and West coast, and healthcare entrepreneurs representing four countries and 26 states. Brad Burkett conducted the live polling from the stage of the event, with results being displayed as they were tallied.
Interesting insights: Patient Engagement and Digital Therapies are the most interesting investment areas this year; Health Plans and At-Risk Providers are the favored customers AND in a surprise–the Deal of the Year to Watch is CVS/AETNA rather than Amazon/JPMorgan/Berkshire!
Below are further insights gleaned from the Survey:
As the Boom in Digital Health Continues, What Areas Are of Most Interest to You?
30% – Patient Engagement, 25% – Digital Therapies, 17% – Clinical Workflows,15% – Analytics/Big Data, 7% – Payment Solutions, 5% – Consumer Tools, 2% – Tracker/Wearables
Which Customer Base Represents the Strongest Opportunity for Digital Health Startups?
27% – Health Plans, 23% – At-Risk Providers, 21% – Consumers, 17% – Health Systems, 12% – Employers
Have Venture Capital Investors Committed Too Much Capital to the Digital Health Sector?
36% – Yes, 64% – No
Has Digital Health Proven its Value Proposition to Date?
25% – Yes, 75% – No
To read the full summary of questions and results, including a comparison of the 2017 survey, please click here. Match Point Partners will be happy to discuss the survey results and our views on the current state of the market during the 37th Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference from January 7-10, 2018 in San Francisco, or at any convenient time.
Match Point Partners is a unique full service Digital Health advisory firm and investment bank comprised of experienced entrepreneurs, C-suite executives from sponsor backed firms, and bankers with offices in New York City, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. For more information, please contact Brad Burkett at brad@mppartnersllc.com or visit our website at www.mppartnersllc.com.